the website of
The Present
go home
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after word
Within the boundaries of red thread, I meet you (the one participating).
Initiated in September 2020.
Would you like to go forwards or backwards?
Rebecca Dunne · fore word
Rebecca Dunne · back word
Why did you choose forwards/backwards?
What does legacy mean to you?
The person before you has left a word for you on the postcard under the picture. Do you feel a responsibility towards it?
You listen and then we discuss:
You are then invited to write a word on the next postcard to leave behind for the next person.
Then you leave.
The words left behind by participants so far:

1. arsehole
2. motherhood
3. kindness
4. neighbour
5. exactly
6. embrace
7. self-acknowledge
8. collapse of self
9. orange circle
10. re-encounter
11. same as it ever was
12. drink tea and jump
13. persevere
14. advance
15. above your head
16. reflective
17. I stand on the shoulders of the women who went before me
18. sharp edges
19. fail forward
20. reconstruct backwards
21. choose forward
22. black
23. in between
24. sweetness
25. slowness
26. :)
27. legs always find their way back
28. a long breath in
29. silence
30. common sense
31. dirt on your shoes
32. stars in the sky, the moon at noon
33. it is not personal or maybe it is
34. light
35. love
36. where I go from now(and)here?
37. look forward
38. listen more
39. start now
40. take alphabet pasta as a serious tool

the postcard looks like this:
if you want to participate, let me know: